Not everything under the sun, just the stuff to get it done.

Your Marketing Rules is essentially marketing’s greatest hits – simplified, refined, and integrated. The one-stop-shop for effective marketing services in Singapore.

Less isn’t more, it’s better.

Our Marketing Services:

Consider us an extension of your marketing team, or your entire marketing department. No matter whether you’re starting from scratch, looking to grow, or you’re already well established, Your Marketing Rules can help you make your marketing more effective and help you build a business you’re proud to run.

You’ll find no smoke or mirrors here, just a refreshingly honest, experienced and highly effective team of digital marketing specialists.

How we do it:

Proper Marketing, Done Right.

We follow a time-tested and evidence-based approach. One that works, delivers, and is effective.

The process follows three stages, done in order. This ensures we focus time, resources, and money on the marketing services where they’ll have the greatest impact and guards against missing out on lucrative opportunities in the pursuit of chasing lesser ones.




1. Diagnosis

Research, probe, get out of the office.
Understand the market.

Diagnosis is the foundational step of successful marketing and one we never skip.

Yet all too often people do, why?

Some believe they have a supranatural understanding of their market (they don’t), others that they don’t have time or money to spare (they must), many more simply don’t know how to do it to get valuable information aka ignorance.

Without taking this crucial step, the rest of your marketing is built on luck and fiction. Getting this right helps us understand your market, the key issues, and where your greatest (most lucrative) opportunities lie.

2. Strategy

Target your greatest opportunity. Create your winning Position. Develop your Brand Codes. Define your Objectives.

With the outputs from the Diagnosis in hand, we turn to strategy. This is all about being choiceful, meaning we agree what we should do and what we should not do in order to help you win.

We identify which part/s of the market we’re going to focus on and equally importantly, which we will not.

We create a positioning that makes you the obvious choice within your market.

We define what success looks like aka objective setting.

3. Tactics

Pick the Tactics best suited to deliver the Strategy.
Eliminate those that don’t.
Focus, focus, focus.

With your strategy agreed, we now turn our attention to tactics.

There’s no such thing as a one size fits all approach here (or rather there shouldn’t be!).

This is dictated by the choices made during the strategy stage, back to that being choiceful again, to focus those precious resources of time and money where they’ll be most effective.

In short, we select the right tactics to get you in front of your target market to get them to buy.

The Approach.

Done With You

Need some real-world help and expert guidance in putting marketing to work for your business?

Done For You

Expert hands-on application of effective marketing approach to your business.


Equip your people with the tools and know-how that underpin business growth.

Done With You.

Need some real-world help and expert guidance in putting marketing to work for your business?
Our consultancy service exists to do just that.

What does Done With You involve?

We kick-off with an initial diagnosis. Here, we delve into your business, exploring your marketing, sales, and service operations. The diagnosis provides a clear understanding of what areas require attention and prioritization to establish an organizational marketing capability as the cornerstone of a thriving business.We conduct a thorough examination of what’s happening, what’s effective, what isn’t, and what winning looks like. We then map out the path to your goals, blending consulting, training, and practical implementation along the way.

How long does Done With You run?

Our commitments vary, spanning from a twelve-week period for a diagnosis and actionable plan to a comprehensive two-year journey for a complete marketing overhaul. Before our work together begins, we collaborate to define the scope, structure, and rationale behind our recommendations. Usually, our involvement reduces gradually over time, as we progressively empower you to take charge.

What if you don’t have an in-house marketing team?

We’ve collaborated with many businesses that haven’t yet brought a marketer on board. If you find yourself in a position where you recognize the importance of embracing marketing as a catalyst for growth but are uncertain about the how to go about doing so, then we can help. Eventually, we’ll probably suggest bringing a marketer into the fold (and we’re equipped to assist with that as well).

What if you have an in-house marketing team?

We love collaborating with marketers across all levels, as it’s often where we can truly shine.  Partnering with us will invigorate your current team in three ways:

  1. Facilitating learning and growth opportunities.
  2. Assisting in strategically positioning marketing at the core of your business.
  3. Cultivating a unified language throughout the entire organization.

Our objective is to empower your marketing, sales, and service teams to excel.

Done For You.

Looking for hands-on marketing support? Our multi-disciplined teams ensure we achieve your objectives: better, faster, and cheaper.

1. Get in Touch

Get in touch and we’ll arrange a video call to discuss your current situation, objectives, budget, challenges, and potential options. While we pride ourselves on focusing on the few over the many, rest assured that what we do is effective.

2. Initial Hypothesis

Based on what you share, we will create a hypothesis for an appropriate Marketing Package to help get you to where you want to be. This will outline possible routes to winning and the investment needed. This package is customised based on your organisation’s current and desired situation.

3. Diagnosis, Strategy, Tactics

The kick-off month is crucial to the overall effectiveness of your campaign. It’s here we’ll first complete the diagnosis, second the strategy, and finally the planning of tactics.  The selected tactics will be grounded in the reality of your goals, budget, and specific market challenges. At the end of this process we’ll present your marketing campaign, so you’ll know exactly what is happening when and most importantly why.

4. Implementation

Once you’ve agreed your marketing plan, we swiftly turn them into reality confident that we’re focusing on the right things. We now swiftly life by deploying the identified tactics:

  • Product launches
  • Promotional campaigns
  • Distribution management
  • Pricing adjustments

5. Control

We monitor and evaluate campaign performance against the agreed goals, we gather feedback from customers, as well as analyze market trends. This feedback loop allows for fine-tuning, optimizing resources, and aligning efforts with your goals and the ever evolving market.

6. Reporting

You’ll be able to monitor weekly campaign progress through your reporting dashboard.

We update you on progress weekly and each month we review campaign performance.


We provide training to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to leverage marketing and behavioural science tools in shaping their growth strategy and marketing decisions. You have the option to engage in comprehensive training covering the entire marketing methodology (Diagnosis, Strategy, Tactics) or to delve into specific tools or areas of focus based on your preferences.

Upcoming Trainings

Ready to Stack the Odds in Your Favour?

We offer our skills to tackle a wide range of issues. Whether you’re grappling with a fledgling brand, a perplexing strategic conundrum, or an opportunity that seems elusive, we’re keen to get stuck in with our evidence-based solutions, combined with practical know-how.

BEcause luck is not a strategy.