Common Emotions Marketing Appeals to

Why People Pay

By Published On: January 31st, 2018

It’s crucial to know why someone buys from you. More often than not it turns out to be rooted in emotion. Without understanding the emotions involved, you can’t tell the story your customers want to hear.

It might be:

Food, shelter, warmth

Health insurance, home security, PayPal

Fear of Missing Out:
Time-limited offers, Glastonbury

Amazon, Deliveroo,

Perceived Value:
A coffee in Starbucks is worth more than that Nespresso at home.

There’s no other, iPhone XYZ.

Members only, concerts, Facebook.

It Feels Good:
Volunteering, donations, mentoring.

To Project an Image :
Harrods plastic bag, Cross Fit, organic.

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Written by : Mark Rowland

Mark's been working in and interested in all things marketing since 2010.
